Listed here are upcoming sniper events and schools which are ASA endorsed or sponsored. If you are hosting an event and would like to see it posted, please contact us with details.
SniperWeek 2022 - May 4 - 7
St. Petersburg, Florida Sponsored by Accuracy International This is the premier police sniper training event. Two days are set aside for the SWAT/Sniper Educational Seminar. This will feature a number of speakers representing different areas of expertise, giving lectures and presentations on topics of interest to snipers, supervisors and administrators. Also on hand are equipment vendors displaying and demonstrating the latest tactical gear. The next two days is the Snipercraft Challenge, the largest, longest running, and one of the few pure police sniper tournaments in the country. This event will put sniper teams to the test, challenging their conditioning, teamwork, communication skills, and ability to shoot under stress, just like the real world. Certificates of training will be awarded for all four days. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to The Smile Train. For
information and registration, contact Snipercraft,
Inc, 863-385-7835 Snipercraft 2021 Training Calendar